The Ordinary Maverick
From living in different countries, career shifts, adventure sports, relationships, agile parenting, vegetarianism, listeners will get an insight and tips for navigating life’s journey with a unique home grown solution, the Maverick formula. Today more than ever before, the Maverick formula gives everyone something practical to be ‘Life ready’ and ‘Life content’ just like the Ordinary Maverick. Join me, your host, Ajey Bhardwaj, an ordinary Maverick, who faces the same challenges and wants the same things in life as all of us.
156 episodes
The Perfect Gift
Gift giving and receiving is an ancient custom across the world in all communities and cultures. There is something special in finding the right gift and it takes both time and effort. But is there a perfect gift? And what makes it perfect?&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 124
Bear Talk
Bears are interesting animals with unique capabilities. Many of us have memories with bears, playing with teddy bears as kids and enjoying stories. But there’s a lot more to bears. Join me on this podcast as I recount close encounters of the be...
Season 2
Episode 123
Tryst with Bats! Tequila stories! Bats are in the news for so many reasons!
Bats are intriguing mammals and we’ve all been intensely interested in bats….right? But there is more to bats than meets the eye. Join me on this podcast as I share more on Bats, Bat Theory, Echolocation, Covid19 and Tequila! yes, Tequila !!! a...
Season 2
Waterfalls Part 2 and Joyful or Draining Moments
What are the most daring and interesting walks you have experienced in life? Some walks are not for the faint hearted and then there are those walks that give you the adrenalin rush which become unforgettable. Recognising joyful and draining mo...
Season 2
Game of cricket and life!
India, South Africa, Jamaica all cricket loving nations and guess what, all places where we’ve had the opportunity to live. Watching live games sitting on the grass or in the players box I always wondered is it just a game or is it more than th...
Season 2
Fascination for the unseen
Often times, we take things at face value and go with what’s visible to us. And yet, we have a fascination for the unseen. We enjoy exploring and discovering as much or even more than the known. And when we do stumble upon the unseen, it’s awe ...
Season 2
Episode 122
The art of preparedness and will writing!
Preparation is half the battle won. But how much does one prepare? and can one always be prepared? Too much preparation will take the fun out of life. In fact, we’ll end up preparing so much that we may forget to just live! But d...
Season 2
Two sides of a coin!
Numismatics, what does this word mean? Some of you might have heard it and I am pretty sure that almost all of us have practiced this at some point in our lives. Do you know what is the emerging word of the year for 2021? Join me on this podcas...
Season 2
Episode 121
Adapting is the ‘new’ norm!
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the mostintelligent, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin. What are the skills for adaptability? And will these play a role in us creating a new norm post...
Season 2
Episode 120
Numbers matter !
From sunup to sundown, we are working and thinking about numbers. Numbers surround us. But what do numbers mean for relationships. Heard about Dunbar’s numbers and theory and the interesting intersections on the role in our lives? Join me on th...
Season 2
Episode 119
All flooded out!
Life experiences that one hopes never repeats but yet it leaves an indelible imprint in your mind? Unlocking the power of the human spirit can be the most life changing experience. Kindness is reciprocal. You give it and you receive it, no ques...
Season 2
Name matters
Names are defining. We know and understand people, things, animate, inanimate through names. A name brings a visual to mind, an immediate understanding of what and who the person or object is and some history and background. But names can be co...
Season 2
Episode 118
Connections !
Connections...such a powerful word. We, humans are powered through connections. Think about it, our entire life, our very meaning is in connections. From the time we come into this world we are connected. Research has shown that the more connec...
Season 2
Episode 0
Trending streaks, Bed rotting, cozy cardio
We live in a digital, social media, connected world in which we’ve encountered the statement, something or someone is trending. Join me on this podcast to hear more about trends like bed rotting, cozy cardio, silent walking and the pros a...
Season 2
Episode 117
Doomscrolling and Happyscrolling!
Do you spend a considerable part of your morning, your day on doing what istermed as ‘Doomscrolling’? So what is Doomscrolling ? Join me on this podcast as I share more on this topic and also ways as a maverick to overcome the same.
Season 2
Episode 0
Bellwether and setting trends
Indicators and trends, interesting and intriguing, right? Well, what about who or what is determining these trends…even more interesting. Join me on this podcast as I speak about bellwethers and trends sharing some of my personal favorites and ...
Season 2
Episode 116
Illusions and misericords
Illusions are fascinating and intriguing. Some are deliberately set up and some happen naturally. Illusions can help keeping dreams alive. They are timeless and history has seen it’s share too. Misericords are one such example from the 14th and...
Season 2
Episode 115
Whiskey troubles
Ever had an experience of losing a night? I did and it was a never to be forgotten one. It led me to learn and be more aware. Life is a blend of experiences, memories and journeys. Join me on this podcast as I share some of my learnings and gli...
Season 2
Episode 114
Rejuvenation Reinvigoration – food for the soul!
The very definition of health includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual but often the focus is on the physical and the other elements are relegated to the background. We often get into a rut, a monotony of sorts, and that affects our m...
Season 2
Episode 0
Fishy tales !
There is something very fascinating about fishes and that extends to fish tanks. Have you heard of aquascaping and virtual aquariums? What can we learn from fishes and how can it be applied in our lives? Join me on this podcast as i share more ...
Season 2
Episode 0
Life’s soft debts!
We all are familiar with the term debts. And I am sure we’ve all experienced paying back debts or loans at different times, with different conditions etc. Join me on this podcast as I share with you my take on debts and I call it the "Life's so...
Season 2
Episode 0
A matter of tangible memories!
Memories give us life changing moments, but what about tangible memories ? Join me on this podcast as I share my personal experience and a take on bringing those happy, not so happy memories back, and specially the tangible ones.
Season 2
Episode 0
Practicing Kintsugi
I know I’m not alone with the feeling of panic when something breaks coupled with dismay and regret for something lost. For as long as I can remember, I loved putting things back together. Little did I realize I was practicing Kintsugi. Join me...
Season 2
Episode 113
The fascination of interconnectedness !
Horse’s ass, shortage of beer...the interconnectedness and interdependency that we all have in this world is very real. Join me on this podcast as I share more including an interesting aspect of Risk interconnectivity !
Season 2
Episode 0
Travelling back in time - Chatting with your past
What if we are able to travel back in time? or What if we are able to travel to the future? join me and my special guest on the show Ms Caroline Muhwezi as we travel back in time...This one was a special episode, the last one for ...
Season 2
Episode 0