The Ordinary Maverick
From living in different countries, career shifts, adventure sports, relationships, agile parenting, vegetarianism, listeners will get an insight and tips for navigating life’s journey with a unique home grown solution, the Maverick formula. Today more than ever before, the Maverick formula gives everyone something practical to be ‘Life ready’ and ‘Life content’ just like the Ordinary Maverick. Join me, your host, Ajey Bhardwaj, an ordinary Maverick, who faces the same challenges and wants the same things in life as all of us.
The Ordinary Maverick
Two sides of a coin!
Season 2
Episode 121
Numismatics, what does this word mean? Some of you might have heard it and I am pretty sure that almost all of us have practiced this at some point in our lives. Do you know what is the emerging word of the year for 2021? Join me on this podcast as I discuss more on coins, two sides of a coin, emerging word of the year and the duality of it all with linkages to life.
(I have been travelling quite a lot and therefore have been unable to record a fresh episode. Two sides of a coin still holds true in todays times and is being shared again. I hope to get back to recording new episodes soonest.)