The Ordinary Maverick

Fishy tales !

Season 2 Episode 0

There is something very fascinating about fishes and that extends to fish tanks. Have you heard of aquascaping and virtual aquariums? What can we learn from fishes and how can it be applied in our lives? Join me on this podcast as i share more on the same ! 

Would love to get your feedback !

Fishy tales!

Hello Everyone and welcome to the podcast of the Ordinary Maverick. This is Ajey, your host, an ordinary Maverick sharing real life thoughts and experiences and Maverick tips.

In today’s podcast, I am speaking about one of my favourite topics, Fishes.

Yes, there’s a fascination with fishes and that extends to fish tanks. For some reason, ever since I can remember, I loved seeing fish swim, gazing at fish tanks for many moments turning into hours. There’s just something so calming, meditative and just relaxing looking at fish swim.

Here is some fish or rather aquarium trivia. Although French-born naturalist   -Power invented the first recognizable glass aquarium in 1832, it was in the works of British naturalist Philip Gosse, however, that the term first took on its modern meaning as a vessel in which aquatic animals, as well as plants, can be held. An aquarist is a person who owns fish or maintains an aquarium, typically constructed of glass or high-strength acrylic material. There are many advantages of fish keeping. It’s co related with reduced blood pressure and decreased stress levels. Watching fish can also provide relaxation benefits to those who suffer from anxiety and can also work to calm children with hyperactivity disorder. There is even some research that shows aquariums may improve the unpredictable and disruptive behavior of those affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Overall, a fish tank’s calming effects on all who view it are extremely beneficial and can even aid over time in getting a better night’s sleep.

Ok, here is another word, Aquascaping. Heard of it? It’s the craft of arranging and designing underwater spaces and even challenging the definition of what a fish tank design can be. You know how they say, think out of the box? Well, here it is more like think out of the fish tank! More and more one sees different types of aquascaping ….like you have landscaping. 

There are hundreds of thousands of aquaria in the world today. And am sure we’ve all visited some aquarium at some point in our life. However, one of the aquariums my family visited stands out in its design and concept. Our girls were small at the time and I must say, aquariums are a great way to teach children about caring for our planet. Well, the Tennessee aquarium in Chattanooga in the US always brings back fond memories. It is set up in two parts, the River Journey and the Ocean Journey. At the time this was constructed it was the largest freshwater aquarium in the world. It is organized around the theme of the Story of the River, and is truly one of the most fascinating journies to experience. The 12 floors high river journey starts from the top and as one moves downwards, one tracks the path of a raindrop from high in the Appalachian mountains and then finally the river finds its way to the ocean through the Gulf of Mexico.

Speaking of aquariums and going underwater, brings back memories of the time in Barbados when my wife and I went down in a submarine deep into the ocean bed and explored an old sunken ship. Still remember the pitch black, the darkness as we went down. And then as we all had our eyes glued to the submarine windows, the captain switched on the lights. And there was a collective gasp, the entire ocean floor was illuminated and it was magical, just like being inside an aquarium! Will never forget it.

You know there’s a certain element of adventure, of the unknown as one explores underwater treasures. And that is so reflective of the Maverick spirit. Maybe that’s why I have this fascination with the underwater world, the world of fishes and of aquariums.

And I even built one from scratch after due research of the filtration system, oxygenation etc. It was a  4 ft by 3 ft tank, populated it with guppies, black and red mollies, and gold fishes. It was made before my elder one was born and It remained in our home for many years until during one of our trans continental moves, I gifted it to another aquarium or fish fan. Am sure it’s still giving pleasure where ever it is. One of the gold fish lived for about 5 years and when my daughter started speaking at 2, we name this one Johnny ! Johnnys death was a traumatic experience for my daughter who I could see felt the pain of loosing some one whom she loved…loosing a  near and dear one and how to deal with it, I will leave it for another of my podcast..

Now coming back to the aquariums in today’s digital world, do you know we have ‘virtual aquariums’. Yes, it’s a computer program which uses 3D graphics to reproduce an aquarium on a personal computer. The swimming fish are rendered in real time, while the background of the tank is usually static. Objects on the floor of the tank may be mapped in simple planesso that the fish may appear to swim both in front and behind them, but a relatively simple 3D map of the general shape of such objects may be used to allow the light and ripples on the surface of the water to cast realistic shadows. Bubbles and water noises are common for virtual aquariums, which are often used as screensavers. The number of each type of fish can usually be selected, often including other animals like starfish, jellyfish, seahorses, and even sea turtles. Most companies that produce virtual aquarium software also offer other types of fish for sale via Internet download. Can you believe that???

Other objects found in an aquarium can also be added and rearranged on some software, like treasure chests and giant clams that open and close with air bubbles, or a bobbing diver. There are also usually features that allow the user to tap on the glass or put food in the top, both of which the fish will react to. Some also have the ability to allow the user to edit fish and other objects to create new varieties.

We are really entering into a virtual world, one which is fast becoming a reality given the pandemic in 2020 and all the changing realities that we’re all still adapting to.

So let me end by saying, to all the fellow Mavericks and fish and aquarium fans, go spend some time in front of your aquariums, relax, watch the fish and be in the moment. And to those who don’t have an aquarium but are still fans, well…explore the virtual one! Ha ha…

Write your comments, share your feedback, I would love to hear from you. And for some more Maverick tips, do subscribe to the Ordinary Maverick podcast. 

This is Ajey, signing off and wishing you have an amazing day. Keep well.