The Ordinary Maverick

A matter of tangible memories!

Ajey Season 2 Episode 0

Memories give us life changing moments, but what about tangible memories ? Join me on this podcast as I share my personal experience and a take on bringing those happy, not so happy memories back, and specially the tangible ones.

Would love to get your feedback !

A matter of tangible memories! 

Hello Everyone and welcome to the podcast of the Ordinary Maverick. This is Ajey, your host, an ordinary Maverick sharing real life thoughts and experiences and Maverick tips.

Today’s podcast touches on something dear to me and one that I’ve come to appreciate even more as the years pass.  Before I start, I would like to share my deepest appreciation to all of you, my listeners and subscribers. And especially those that share their feedback and write to me, these interactions are very valuable and have helped get the podcast to where it is today. Big thank you.

You know holidays bring with them much joy and cheer and we are just coming out of the holiday period and starting the new year. But at the same time, one has time at hand. And this time helps in reflection. And you look back at the year past but also at earlier years’ past and different memories come and pass by through your head.

Pause for a moment and think through some of the memories that you’ve relived over the years. Of course there are good ones and the not so good ones. But one thing will stand out…most of the memories are linked to experiences and none or maybe just a few to objects…things. Even when it’s a thing…most likely, the person or the experience of acquiring or losing that thing will be what will get stuck in your memory bank.

Now here’s the Maverick tip. Memories created together are far more precious than any expensive gift or object. Most of us realize this late in life and that’s the unfortunate bit. But it doesn’t matter, early or late….whenever, the important part is to embrace this realization and act on it.

Let me share some examples. About two years back, I got some time to spend with my daughters. As they were both at University, this hadn’t happened for quite some years and so it became even more precious. Of course, when one is together as a family, we tend to chat, catch up, go out, have get togethers, do some shopping, outings etc. But this time around, we decided to do something together…we painted. 

Now when I say painted…this wasn’t just your little paintings and just spending an evening painting together. We conceptualized a painting that would be done for our living room. Now that started a series of discussions, what will it be? It should represent and mean something etc etc…lots of time spent there….then the size, medium to use etc etc….more time spent. And then utilizing each one’s unique skill set, who will sketch, draw, paint …more time spent. And then the painting started taking shape, bit by bit, it was oil on canvas……six feet by six feet….and after 4 months, the painting was ready. I then built the frame and my wife wrote our names, signing off on the painting, now ready to be displayed.

Today the painting takes center stage in our living room. A place of family shared pride. We spent time together, we painted, often in silence yet connected, and at the end of it all, we created a beautiful, tangible memory. One that just opens the floodgates to those beautiful memories as soon as we look at the painting. 

We could have done many things together that summer, and definitely would have created memories. But with the experience behind me, I can safely say with confidence, creating a memory that results in something tangible cannot be compared with anything else.

So here’s the thing…the next time you are with close family, friends, take the time to create something together. A painting, a song recording, something tangible that each one takes back with them, learn a new art together, anything that’s potentially activity linked. And you’ll see how this memory will stand out from all the others you have together.

Now I’ve spoken about the memory bank and the humour bank in earlier podcast episodes. This is where the memories one creates gets stored and pulled out when needed. But remember, this is in our brain. When we have a tangible product like a painting done together, then just seeing it day in and day out, keeps bringing those happy memories back effortlessly and with it the good feelings.

Now what about the not so good memories. Here is where the trick is…one has to find a way to replace each negative memory with a positive one. As Mavericks, we fall forward, remember. So take the negative memory, replace it with a positive one and move forward. Do not look back.

Yes, it’s easier said than done. Yes, it’s difficult. But it’s important for your own peace of mind. Now of course there are times where this becomes very tough. I would says then, that acceptance, reliving those memories and then laying them to rest. It happened, it was not good. But I am moving on. This can help in those negative experiences that sometimes hold us back. 

2020 really gave us the time in some ways to reconnect, rekindle and reevaluate life. Hoping that the fellow Mavericks listening in have taken that time and used it well. Actually, am sure we have!

And stepping into 2021, use those learnings to create special memories going forward. From my side, I would say, do a painting together as a family. Somehow, the very action of painting, of creating something on a blank canvass gives a feeling of power, creativity and positivity and then seeing the creation enhances all of these even further.

Do share your thoughts and yes, if you do a painting together, I would love to see it. Send me a picture on

Write your comments, share your feedback, I would love to hear from you. And for some more Maverick tips, do subscribe to the Ordinary Maverick podcast. 

This is Ajey, signing off and wishing you have an amazing day. Keep well.