The Ordinary Maverick

Travelling back in time - Chatting with your past

Ajey Season 2 Episode 0

What if we are able to travel back in time? or What if we are able to travel to the future?  join me and my special guest on the show Ms Caroline Muhwezi as we travel back in time...

This one was a special episode, the last one for 2020.  

Would love to get your feedback !

Travelling back in time - Chatting with your past

Hello Everyone and welcome to the podcast of the Ordinary Maverick. This is Ajey, your host, an ordinary Maverick sharing real life thoughts and experiences and Maverick tips.

This is a special episode, the last one for 2020. The year that was so unusual, unprecedented, unimaginable, right? Filled with an amalgamation of emotions…. we did do the 360 there for sure, from moments of extreme sadness, losing near and dear ones, coping with grief, learning to go with the flow, showing our resilient spirit, and most of all, adapting, learning and constantly encouraging one another. As I was putting this episode together, I once again marveled at the human spirit and then a thought struck me, what if 30 years later, say in 2050, we looked back to 2020….how would our thoughts, aspirations and plans from today be relevant 30 years down the line? Would we have achieved what we set out to do today? How much would the world have changed?

And then I remembered the scene from one of our family favorite movie series and one which we have spent many movie nights doing the marathon run and watching them back to back…the Avengers. Where Thor has a chance to travel back in time and meet his mother. We see that his mother knew Thor was from a different time and perhaps had some inkling of what was to come given her powers, but it made me think about traveling back in time myself!

And once that thought got into my head, I started thinking ok…what year should I go back? Who do I want to meet? And as they say, our mind is ever so powerful. I stepped back in time, to meet the 21 year old Ajey, who I must say was a Maverick even then! (ha, ha). and am going to share a bit of that soon.

And here’s a treat, we have a guest on the show, another Maverick by heart who has kindly agreed to join me today and also travel back in time for a chat with her younger self.

But before we have our special guest join us, let’s talk to the 21 year old Ajey, who was completing his first degree in Pharmacy. Had his next steps kind of charted out. Complete a masters in Business administration and as per the perceptions of the time of what success looks like – have a secure job in the corporate world, rise in that sector, establish a name. At that point career and job were at the forefront of my thoughts. Somewhere, deep down, there were also thoughts about finding the right life partner, starting a family, having a house, being comfortable. You know, at the time, I was living in a relatively small town in the heart of India and making a life in the big city was exciting. It was somewhat of a dream to own your own house or apartment in the city. Real estate costs were so high that for someone coming from another town, it seemed unattainable. Most people lived in rental places or then in homes given by their workplaces. 

But, I was young, aspirational, and focused. I had a clear path in front of me. First, get my degree, then a job and then start taking the steps towards further establishing myself. I was excited to step into the corporate world and that seemed the ultimate goal.

But almost 3 decades down the line, the Ajey today sees that some of those aspirations were met while some completely changed and the reasons they changed are fascinating for sure. Let’s see where the check boxes were: complete the bachelors and masters degree – check; come to the city and get a job – check. By the way, there’s quite a story with my first job and you can catch more on that in an earlier episode. Going back to the check boxes, rise up in the corporate work – check; establish myself – check. And of course, lots of checks in different aspects of my personal life too, found my life partner, started a family and yes, built a home…check, check, check. 

But here’s something interesting, some of those aspirations and check boxes changed. And boy, how did they change…! The corporate world…it’s left far behind now. At one time what was most important, doesn’t seem the same now. One thing is for sure, I am not in the place that I had thought as a 21 year old was the most important one. I have completely changed gears. Have left the corporate sector behind voluntarily many many years back. That was dramatic as well. And I’ve shared more about the cross roads moments in one’s life in another podcast. 

Today, I’m doing something I am passionate about and making a difference. 

What does that say? Life doesn’t always turn out the way one foresees when young. 21 is an important milestone, coming into adulthood. At that time, based on the perceptions and understanding at the time, one charts out aspirations for the future. 

But here’s a Maverick tip, go with the flow. What does that mean? Well, rely on your instincts, remember, the gut feeling? One of the key components of the Maverick formula? Yes, chart your path. Take it one step at a time but always go with your gut and then be true. And you will win. Life will always be that exciting beautiful journey where you will experience happiness and also spread happiness. One of the most important aspect is to ensure whatever you’re doing is what you’re passionate about. 

This is the right time to introduce our special guest, Ms Caroline Muhwezi, another fellow Maverick, sharing some great feedback about the podcasts, and is here today to give us a peek into her time travel as well.

Caroline – welcome to the Ordinary Maverick show. I am delighted that you could join us. Tell us a bit about your self.

Caroline shares her introduction.

Ajey responds to the introduction. And poses the next question.

So Caroline, we’ve been speaking about time travel. And going back in time. So tell us what you would like to do? Which year would you like to go back to and why? And do share about your aspirations at the time and then how you view this today.

 Add Caroline's thoughts


Thanks Caroline and wrapping up

Wasn’t this interesting? I would encourage us all to pause for a moment and travel back in time and meet your own younger self. It will be enlightening for sure. But time travel works both ways, right? What if we could travel ahead in time? It’s even more important in today’s context. Imagine we are in 2050 and looking back at 2020. Would things be as we thought they will be? Remember, when we went back, we saw that our future wasn’t quite what we envisaged it to be. So folks, as we end 2020 and look forward to 2021, keep the light shining bright. Pat yourself on the back, celebrate and look forward to 2021 with positivity and like all Mavericks do – go with the flow and enjoy the journey! 

Wishing each one of you a very happy new year, lots and lots of positivity and light coming your way.

Write your comments, share your feedback, I would love to hear from you. And for some more Maverick tips, do subscribe to the Ordinary Maverick podcast. 

This is Ajey, signing off and wishing you have an amazing day. Keep well.